Please come to Hotel Panghegar, at 1st floor, Amartapura, Grand Ballroom. 30 May for signing the participant list based on the online registration.
The panel discussion will be started at 8.30 AM (until 10.30 AM), so make sure you can come before the discussion started. Thank you

Panel Speaker 1
Internet of Things: Infrastructure and Application
Friday, 30 May 2014. 08.30 – 10.30
Alfred Boediman, PhD (Profile)
Vice President
Samsung Research and Development Institute Indonesia (SRIN)
Abstract –
- A seismic shift in technology is occurring
- Mobile-centric trend and technologies increasingly define user experiences
- Information and Social (So-Lo-Mo) becoming elements that deeply embedded into all strategic trends.
- Advanced technologies (e.g., semantics, AmI, web services, clouds, …) could be applied, but a shift from research to real business is necessary
- Wider involvement of users, e.g by means of R&D Lab approach, is needed
Panel Speaker 2
Creating the Internet of Your Things: Application and Computation
Friday, 30 May 2014. 08.30 – 10.30
Risman Adnan (Profile)
Developer and Platform Evangelism Lead-Microsoft Indonesia
Abstract – Connected, smart devices have become pervasive. These “Things” already outnumber more traditional computing devices and are set to surpass the 100 billion devices mark within a few short years. In Risman session you’ll learn about how technologies such as Windows Embedded, .NET Micro Framework, and Azure can be used to build cool devices and intelligent systems.
Panel Speaker 3
Internet of Everything: Connect the Unconnected
Friday, 30 May 2014. 08.30 – 10.30
Prio Utomo (Profile)
Cisco’s Subject Matter expert for Industry
Abstract – In our lifetime, we’ve seen the most incredible change in how we connect and communicate. It was just 15 years ago that the Internet burst on to the scene, though it’d been around for a while before that. And in a very short time, it has dramatically changed how we work, how we live, how we play, even how we learn. And, yet, we’ve barely scratched the surface. Despite all that is connected to the Internet, more than 99% of the world is still unconnected – But that’s about to change.
We’re entering the age of the “Internet of Everything,” where we’re going to connect the unconnected—including people, process, data, and things. And it’s in this new world where we’ll talk to each other in entirely new ways. As a result, networked connections will become more relevant and more valuable than ever before. As we connect the previously unconnected, amazing things will happen and amazing experiences will be created. We’ll also see unprecedented opportunities for countries, businesses, and individuals.
For Cisco, this is our DNA, our heritage. We solve today’s business challenges by anticipating tomorrow’s opportunities. We have been leading the world in connecting the unconnected. And we’ve been preparing our customers for this very moment.
Panel Speaker 4
Implementing IT Value using Enterprise Architecture and Strategis Alignment Maturity Model
Friday, 30 May 2014. 08.30 – 10.30
Dr.-Ing. Ir. Suhardi, MM.
Associate Professor at the School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB)
Abstract – With increased competition in the business environment, Information Technology (IT) has become critical issue in improving the operational efficiency of business activities to gain a competitive advantage. Implementation of IT value becomes main focus for the organization to provide the business capabilities in order to improve the competence of its business to achieve the organizational performance. This research gives a conceptual and empirical solution how to implement IT value using Enterprise Architecture (EA) and Strategic Alignment Maturity Model (SAMM) together and subsequently provide a performance evaluation tool of the Enterprise Architecture using the Balanced Score Card.