Keynote Speaker

Keynote Speaker 1

Jin Mitsugi
The title of the keynote : Advancements of Automatic Identification Technology

Professor of Faculty of Environment and Information Studies
Keio University
2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8345, Japan
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Jin Mitsugi is an Associate Professor in Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, Keio University Japan and also an Associate Director of Auto-ID Laboratory Japan. He received BS from Nagoya University and MS and Ph.D from University of Tokyo all from Aerospace Engineering Department. After his graduation from University of Tokyo in 1987, he joined Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation as a research engineer in Radio Communications Laboratory to pursue research and development of advanced satellite communications. He joined the development of various communications and experimental satellite such as ETS-VI, N-Star, Muses-B, ETS-VIII and N-Star C particularly working in on-board antenna system. He joined Keio University in 2004 and started research on network RFID. He has been participated in international standard body (GS1 EPCglobal and ISO) and Japan radio regulations developments in Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications for 900MHz band passive and active RFID. He has been serving various international conferences and journals related RFID and Internet of Things as technical chair (IEEE RFID 2012, 2013, 2014, International conference on Internet of things 2010, 2014) and an editor (IEEE Journal on Internet of Things, IEEE Virtual Journal on RFID). His research interests are wireless technology applications and operations research.


Keynote Speaker 2

Teddy Mantoro
The title of the keynote : IoT: Emerging Trend of Sensing, Computing and Communication

Teddy Mantoro

Professor in Computer Science
Universitas Siswa Bangsa International
Jl. MT Haryono Kav. 58-60, Jakarta Selatan, 12780, Indonesia
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Teddy Mantoro is a Dean at Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Siswa Bangsa International, Jakarta, Indonesia and Director, Center for Ubiquitous Technology (UBITEC), Surya University, Tangerang, Indonesia. He holds PhD, MSc and BSc, all in Computer Science. He receivedPhD from School of Computer Science, the Australian National University (ANU), Canberra, Australia. His research interest is in Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing, Context Aware Computing, Mobile Computing and Intelligent Environment. He published more than 110 conference/journal papers and 4 computing books in Indonesia, USA and Germany. In 2013, he served as program committees and reviewers for more than 30 International conferences. He is also a Senior Member of IEEE. Currently he is the Chief editor of International Journal on Mobile Security, Managing editor for International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications (IJMCMC-IGI Global) and editor for 3 others journals. He is the founder and was the leader of the Integ Lab (Intelligent Environment Research Group), at KICT, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Integ Lab has received 43 medals from 2009 to 2013 from national and international innovation technology competitions. He has filed 4 (four) Malaysian patents in credit to his name.

Copyright ICoICT 2014. Organized By Telkom Engineering School